Tuesday 28 February 2017

LO1: Task 1 roles within film production

Creative Skills (2017) Creative job roles: [Online] Avaliable:

http://creativeskillset.org/creative_industries/film/job_roles 2017

Here is a spider diagram of roles within a film industry that I have found online. This spider diagram lists and tells you which job each job role does within the industry in detail in order to inform the reader just what these roles do within the film industry.


Directors are the driving creative force in a film production that make sure everyone is doing what they've been assigned to do within the production teams. It is the job of the director to make sure everyone if fully functioning within the production team by informing them on what their task is.


Actors interperate the script into a physical interpritation of the character they're portrayed as, connecting with the character on an emotional level to help the audience engage.

Creative Director

The Creative Director is the person in charge of the casting of the actors for the various roles within the film. This is an essential role when it comes to any film production team, due to the fact that most films require casting in order to include various characters with diverse characteristics.

Camera Operator

The Camera Operator is the person which prepares and operates the camera and makes sure all the camera equiptment is ready for filming.

Financial Controller

This job role is in charge of all the finance when it comes to the  controlling and spending of the money within a film production.


Film Editors are in charge ofediting the film footage that they've recieved from the camera operator, this is needed in order to create a good piece of film footage with transitions and effects in order for the film footge to look professional.